What is the price of a Scribble Journey subscription?
Get Scribble Journey Premium for $19.99/year with a 1 month free trial or $2.99/month with a 2 week free trial.
Can I draw within the app?
We're thrilled to announce that with our newest update, you can now draw directly within Scribble Journey! Update today to start scribbling, doodling and expressing your emotions right in the app.
Where is my data stored?
Your data is stored on your device and automatically synced to iCloud as long as you have iCloud enabled. If you are moving to a new device, ensure that iCloud is enabled and log in with your Apple ID.
Who can see my entries?
You, only you. Neither Scribble Journey or Apple will ever have access to this data.
How do I manage my subscription?
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap your name.
- Tap Subscriptions.
- Tap Scribble Journey
Learn more about managing subscriptions.
Is Scribble considered art therapy?
While Scribble provides self-guided activities inspired by art therapy, it is not a substitute for professional therapy or mental health treatment. Search for an art therapist in the U.S. through the American Art Therapy Association.